
No matter where you are on your faith journey, you are welcome at Zion.
Join us to worship, grow in faith and help our neighbors, near and far.
We look forward to meeting you! All are welcome!
What to expect:
Our current worship schedule is 9:30am in the sanctuary on Sundays and 6pm in the chapel on Wednesdays.
If you want to check out worship before you come in person, or want to watch from home for any reason,
we live stream Sunday worship on our YouTube channel.
For in-person worship:
There are two main entrances and parking areas--north and south.
Worship is in the sanctuary through the stained-glass doors off the lobby to the south, unless specified otherwise.
Come as you are! There is no dress code--you will find people dressed casually on up.
Worship is for all ages--children are always welcome in worship.
Worship includes hymns and songs, Bible readings, prayers, a children's message time and a sermon from the pastor.
Worship is generally about an hour on Sunday and 30 minutes on Wednesday.
Sunday worship switches between traditional (first 2 Sundays) and contemporary the (second 2 Sundays).
Santizer stations are available for your use.
Communion is served on the first and third Sundays and following Wednesday.
Zion is a member church of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and NE MN Synod.
Feel free to call the church to speak with the pastor or click on either icon below for more
information about what we believe as Lutherans and our greater church bodies.